The Purpose of this Blog

Your task on this blog is to write a brief summary of what we learned in class today. Include enough detail so that someone who was ill or missed the class can catch up with what they missed. Over the course of the term, these 'class scribe' posts will grow to be a guide for the course, written by students for students.

With each post ask yourself the following questions:
1) Is this good enough for our guide?
2) Will your post enable someone who wasnt here to catch up?
3) Would a graphic/video/link help to illustrate what we have learned?

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Religion in 'The Pardoner's Tale'.

Started of the lesson with interprating this picture and how the wolves praying on the bodies could represent religion in medival society and its power and dominance upon its members.

"It is in the corruption of religion that the text becomes horrific". How far do you
think this assessment of 'The Pardoner's Tale is justified?

We then went on to highlighting key words in the question which later on helped with noting down what needs to include in this essay question, such as;

  • David Punter's definition of Horror + Terror
  • The church being a 'parasite' to middle-age society/ the Gothic amplifying and 'feeding off' deeper wounds already present in members within society.
  • Questioning the question= e.g. it can be horrific to an extent but not without the element of terror.

We then went on to focusing on the word 'Corrupt' and what it could mean;

  • Exploitation
  • immorality
  • taking advantage of ones position and status.

By reading pages 73- 76 and underlining (with pencil!) the important points on religious context within the middle ages and its significance in The Pardoner's Tale. Examples:

Religious Context- Chaucer's presentation of this in The Pardoner's Tale

  • The state of the soul is important to the Cristian faith/ preparing for the 'next life'- The Pardoner uses this ideology in order to manipulate the congregations fears and anxieties.

  • Money could be paid as a substitute to penance. It could then be used by the Church for its various religious and charitable purposes- Yet the Pardoner uses it to convince people who want the pardons and him having the power to provide it, becomes a profitable racket.

  • Preaching was a highly developed technique in the middle ages, it had an agreed structure- The Pardoner draws examples from scriptures or other authoritative writers, fitted in at suitable moments throughout the sermon to justify his preaches.

  • The preacher is not giving his own self- generated thoughts but he is passing on the word of God- Yet the Pardoner states that he thoroughly enjoys his powers of persuasion. To help him gain money from 'selling' pardons.

  • 1/3 of the countries wealth going to the church- Description of Pardoners value of church as an institution to fill up his pocket.

  • Church had political power which went to people within the church- The Pardoner abuses his power and position given to him by the church.
  • Preaching intended to bring people closer to Christ- Sermon on avarice (attempt for own gain)

  • Preaches were only allowed to preach the word of God- The Pardoner makes his own pronouncement on the authority of his relics.


  1. great blog mahsa. liked the thing about,"The Pardoner draws examples from scriptures or other authoritative writers, fitted in at suitable moments throughout the sermon to justify his preaches".

  2. Nice blog...helps a lot with the religious context of the tale! I agree with the reference to - 'the state of the soul is important to the Christian faith.' The Pardoner definitely uses this to manipulate the pilgrims by using their own fears of religion against them.

  3. Thanks guys. I forgot to add in the homework which was to create an essay plan based on the question above, and sorry for all the space bar, i dont know why that happened, :/

  4. nice blog, I find the way you recounted the religious context helpful

  5. Good Blog!
    yeah the space bar on this site has a mind of its own

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

