The Purpose of this Blog

Your task on this blog is to write a brief summary of what we learned in class today. Include enough detail so that someone who was ill or missed the class can catch up with what they missed. Over the course of the term, these 'class scribe' posts will grow to be a guide for the course, written by students for students.

With each post ask yourself the following questions:
1) Is this good enough for our guide?
2) Will your post enable someone who wasnt here to catch up?
3) Would a graphic/video/link help to illustrate what we have learned?

Tuesday 28 September 2010

My story; a representation of a possible tale, Chaucer's Pardoner may tell.

And as I blew the candles of the holy church,
There came before me a poor boy sorry to search.
For his sin's had drowned him thoroughly as did the rain,
Yet it did not stop him collapsing from guilt and pain.
I asked him, "What do you here,cold and out of breath?"
He replied, "My lord, please, oh please save me from death!"
I seized my duty and took him in my arms,"Tell me, what have you done?"
"I stole an apple my lord. Ate it, and now its gone"
"Stealing is a sin! Your full of greed! pay for your forgiveness and plead"
"I have no money, my lord, I live on the streets"
"Then go! Leave! Pick up your feet!"
"Have mercy my good lord! All i possess is my petty soul"
"Leave! i am no longer your lord."
"I do have the only thing special to me, my mothers necklace. She has died."
"My son! Give me that gold, and come inside."



  1. I like the way it sounds like something Chaucer would write but still sounds modern

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oooooo check "Mahsa Chaucer"....the Lady of Literature....NOT! hmmmm very impressive...OUR ENGLISH CLASS IS THE BEST

  4. thanks guys and lol @ GEORGE-ina ^^

  5. I like the smooth transition between narration of actions into speech and the clear but skillfully detailed purpose to the piece.

    pretty damn good =]
